Nadsyłanie łatek - wskazówki

Z Joomla!WikiPL

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Ta strona wymaga przetłumaczenia lub jest w trakcie tłumaczenia! Pomoc jest mile widziana. Ostatnio edytowane przez Zwiastun (dyskusja. Data edycji: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 01:11:32 +0000

We're always grateful for patches to Joomla's code. Indeed, bug reports with associated patches will get fixed far more quickly than those without patches.

Patch style

  • Make sure your code matches our coding style.
  • Submit patches in the format returned by the svn diff command. An exception is for code changes that are described more clearly in plain English than in code. Indentation is the most common example; it's hard to read patches when the only difference in code is that it's indented.
  • Attach patches to a artefact in the trackers, using the "attach file" button. Please don't put the patch in the artefact description or comment unless it's a single line patch.
  • Name the patch file with a .diff extension
  • Put the prefix "[patch] " before the title of your artefact. This will make it obvious that the artefact includes a patch.
  • Więcej o plikach poprawek

Dziękujemy za wkład

» Stefan Wajda [zwiastun],